A unique perspective, perfect for wildlife photographers & enthusiasts

Bawdsey Hall Wildlife Photography Hides AS SEEN ON BBC WINTERWATCH 2022

Wildlife Photography Hides for Badgers, Owls, Polecats, Herons, Buzzards, Muntjac and many more species

Head over to our website for more details on our Wildlife Hides - www.BawdseyHallWildlifePhotographyHides.co.uk

Bawdsey Hall Wildlife Photography Hides offers many unique wildlife experiences for photographers and enthusiasts. Throughout the grounds, hidden just off the main paths are several different hides, designed to help you blend in with your surroundings and observe nature from a very unique perspective. Each hide has been built within different areas of the reserve and around all sorts of different habitats to give people the chance of spotting something different from each and every one, these hides can be explored in our daytime photography experiences.

Our most popular hides in our Wildlife Photography Area, hosts a large Wildlife Reflection Pond. This hide is surrounded by photography possibilities and is known for being one of the best places to capture Badger, Owl and Polecats. This hide was featured on BBC Winter Watch where Michaela Strachan visited and saw the elusive and rare Polecat during her visit to us.

For further information about how these hides can be booked please see our Wildlife Experiences and Photography website.

As well as night time activity, there is the possibility to witness a range of birds during the day and if you’re lucky, you may even spot one of our Buzzards visiting the feeding station. We offer Daytime Photography Experiences or Dawn Awakening based at Bawdsey Hall and the surrounding area.

We have also worked with a number of schools, offering bespoke services to fit with curriculum areas being studied, including A Level Biology & GCSE and A Level Photography. For further information and to book your time in the hides, please contact us directly.

Head over to our website for more details on our wildlife hides - www.BawdseyHallWildlifePhotographyHides.co.uk


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